Throw away any definitions of the word journal.

You're about to create your own.

After four years, the most important thing I've learned is that it's for me. It serves my purpose and helps me live the life I want.

A journal is a tool.

It has many uses. But what is it?

Is it a memoir?

Is it a book?

Is it additional storage?

It may be all of the above, but none of those matters.

A journal is a place where you can discover yourself consistently over the years.

You write what you've learned. You observe your thoughts. You become aware of how you dream yourself into existence. By writing down your thoughts, you learn to structure them. They attach more easily to other thoughts. Each spends more time in the brain, so you start building upon them. You forget less while keeping your mind free. You empty your brain by not chasing anything because what’s important is already stored.

When the time comes, you can return to your idea. Or not. In the meantime, you'll build a life you never dreamt of - full of meaning and joy.

So, the journal is a tool to create the life you want.

This is how the perspective I recommend the most.

More to read and learn

If you’re eager to start, go to the practice.

If you’d like to know more about the idea behind the practice, read on below.

Week 1 Questions, Analysis, and Related Journal Type

Related Journal Types

Where to Keep Your Journal