Below, you can see all the questions for week 2:

  1. Try writing 3 or more things I'm grateful for
  2. The most important thing of the day
  3. How did I feel and why?
  4. What did I do well?

The first three questions are analyzed in week one.

What did I do well?

Focus on the positives for the day. Life is hard. Most of the time, people are not content with themselves. Even people who work on their future and care about others. Give yourself some time to reflect on what went well.

How can you have more of that in your life?

Related journal types

Reflective journal - building the character you want

A reflective journal focuses on your reflection on your actions.

The key benefit is another round of thinking about what you did. If you got the desired results, the process that brought you here is worth saving. But if you didn't, it's a good idea to remember that your actions were wrong. Our world is a complex place. We never know everything, so it's crucial to use external validation by trying out your ideas. Later, you can improve by writing down what you did and the outcomes.

We don't know what the limit of iterative improvements like this is.

You can only benefit from watching the outcomes of your actions. There is no miss in here. So, I'll tell you what I do, and that's, again, simple: